The phone rings.
“You: Hello?
Stranger: Hello, we are calling from the FBI. Your bank accounts are frozen. We need your password to retrieve and get your accounts up and running.”
You get suspicious and decide to trace this call. It is coming from a suburb of another country. You are a victim of a scam.
Have you heard of scammers? Do you see the news covering victims of digital crime? You have, and so have we all. In the 21st century, crime is no longer limited to murders, thefts, or robberies. As society progresses with time, so does crime, unfortunately.
- What are the most common types of crime? Why should you know about the different types of crimes?
- Well, as a conscious member of society, it’s always best to keep up with the changing times.
- In this article, we will discuss the different types of crime and their motives.
- We will talk about the penalties under the United States Criminal law.
However, if you have further doubts, please leave a comment under the article. We will help you get in touch with a competent criminal lawyer.
So, let’s begin.
What Is Crime?

For you to know the types of crime, it is essential to understand what constitutes a crime in the first place. The answer seems simple. But crime can include multiple mundane activities we participate in every day. Strangely, we do it knowingly or unknowingly.
However, there are times when we end up in prison even when we have not committed any such crime. If you have recently experienced anything as such, do not worry. A parole lawyer will certainly help you in such a situation. Go Now and learn more about hiring a parole attorney.
So, What Is The Definition Of Crime?
According to Merriam-Webster, Crime is an illegal act for which the government can punish someone. However, for an action to become criminal, it must meet specific legal requirements.
Components Of A Crime
Under criminal law, all types of crimes must have certain elements to prove that the person is guilty. Moreover, the specific facts of each crime indeed vary. However, these Essentials are present in every crime.
Was There A Guilty Act?
Actus reus is one of the principles of criminal law. It means that the act should consist of something wrong.
Was There A Guilty Mind?
The person committing the act should have wrong intentions behind doing it. Under legal principles, this is Mens Rea.
Was There Any Direct Correlation Between Act And Consequence?
There should be a direct relation between the act and the consequence. To make this easier, you may not be guilty if you hit a person and they die.
It is possible when the results show that he died of an inner-lying condition and not your actions. However, if hitting the person causes him to have a stroke, you are guilty of killing him.
Did The Act And Intention Take Place Simultaneously?
The guilty act and guilty mind should happen simultaneously. So, let’s say that you thought of harming a person ten years ago. Now, you killed him by accident yesterday. This cannot constitute a crime.
Was The Person Capable Of Committing The Crime?
To be able to commit a crime, you must be sane. You should have the mental capacity to understand right from wrong. Thus, if the person has mental illness or other issues, they will not face criminal charges.
Was The Person Forced To Commit The Crime?
The act should be a result of their free will. If someone forces you or threatens to kill you if you don’t commit the crime, the act will not be criminal.
Types Of Crime: Criminal

Crime as a whole is a very broad category. Thus, we will now discuss the different types of crimes that fit into different categories. We know that each crime has different motives and penalties. Let’s begin.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are the first types of crimes that come to our minds. However, this has to be the first category. It leaves an indelible mark on our minds whenever we hear about it. As living beings, we value our lives the most.
Death is the most feared of all. Being a product of evolution, we fear physical harm/pain. Additionally, crimes of a violent nature face severe punishment.
The most violent types of crime can include the following:
There are different degrees of murder according to the United States criminal law. However, motives may vary. First-degree murders are intentional. They are pre-meditated. Second-degree murders are intentional ones, too, but they lack pre-meditation.
First-degree murder is a solemn charge. It can include very severe penalties. Life imprisonment without parole to even the death penalty depends on the crime. In contrast, all other degrees of murder can include sentences of several years to life imprisonment.
Manslaughter can be intentional and unintentional. Intentional manslaughter can be a result of rage, fear, or anger. The unintentional type can be the result of negligence or reckless behavior.
Therefore, punishment for voluntary manslaughter can include a prison sentence of several years. Involuntary men’s slaughter can include imprisonment, fines, probation, or all.
Assault is the intentional act by which you can cause the fear of grave bodily harm to another person. There are different types of assault, such as simple, aggravated, or assault with a deadly weapon.
The penalties for assault can vary based on the severity.
You can get up to a few months in imprisonment. There can be probation, heavy fines, felony convictions, and even longer present sentences.
Additionally, assaulting officials of the United States Government can amount to longer present sentences. So, beware before you get rough with a Police Officer or a federal employee.
Robbery is a crime in which a person takes property from another by the use of force and intimidation. There are various types, such as simple, armed, or aggravated robbery.
Robbery can amount to prison sentences, fines, or both, depending on the outcome of it.
Rape is the act of non-consensual intercourse. It can include the following:
- threats or intimidation to conduct sexual assault.
- rape of a minor, also called statutory rape.
- or marital rape.
- Thus, rape can amount to long prison sentences depending on the crime’s violence.
A Convict may also have to pay fines, medical reimbursements, and serving time in prison.
Kidnapping is a person’s unlawful abduction or restraint by force and intimidation. Simple kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping, and human trafficking are the most common types.
Penalties for kidnapping may include minimal to several years in prison.
Other forms may look like the following.
- Payment of fines.
- Entry into the list of registered sex offenders.
- Payment for medical expenses.
- Covering for victim’s therapy.
Types Of Civil Crime

Property Crimes
These are the most common types of crime in the United States. According to the reports by the FBI, a whopping number of 2,109.9 property crimes happen every 100,000 people.
Additionally, you might see larceny/theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft as the most common manifestations.
Let us know about these types of crimes in a bit more detail.
Burglary is when a person illegally enters a building or property intending to commit a crime inside.
- It can be residential, commercial, or a simple breaking and entering.
- It is important to note the main motives behind a burglary.
- One may want to steal something valuable, destroy the property, etc.
- They may also get information about the building or commit further serious crimes.
- Penalties for burglary can include time in prison. A person receives longer sentences if they have a criminal history. Moreover, the convict must also pay a fine, damages, or both.
- Sometimes, they are on probation. Penalties for burglary differ from state to state and on the severity of the crime.
Theft involves illegally taking or appropriating property that belongs to someone else.
- It can have the motive to take the property away from them permanently. The more valuable the property, the more the penalty.
- Additionally, theft can be of various types: petty theft, shoplifting, auto theft, Grand Theft Auto, etc.
- The motives behind this crime can be financial gain or impulse.
Penalties for tests include time in prison, fine, payment of damages, or probation. The penalty really depends on the crime itself.
Larceny is a special type of theft. It is when a person illegally takes the property of another. However, they do so, intending to deprive them of it forever.
- Additionally, much like theft, larceny has the purpose of financial gain, greed, and even out of desperation.
- The penalties for larceny include the same as theft. It can include prison sentences, fines, restitution money, and even probation.
Arson is a criminal offense where the person is setting fire to a property.
- Here, they do it with the clear intention of causing destruction and damage.
- Although arson is not a type of violent crime, it can risk life and public safety.
- Simple Arson is when someone sets a building or property on fire without injury or death.
- It will become aggravated arson when the fire leads to an injury or death.
- There is even something called a serial arson. Serial arson is when a criminal repeat such acts very frequently.
Arson can result from Revenge, ill intentions, or even mental issues. Penalties for this crime include prison sentences, restitution fees, fines, and probation.
Vandalism is a crime. Here, a person deliberately destroys or damages property belonging to another person.
- Did you know that Graffiti is a type of vandalism?
- It can also include window breaking, smashing of a car windshield, etc.
- Additionally, vandalism can happen with robbery and theft. It is also a very common site in case of protests and marches.
- Since vandalism does not involve physically harming a person or death, penalties are not too harsh.
However, criminal charges, fines, community service, etc, can result from such a crime.
Types Of Crimes: White-Collar Crimes

Remember when David and Moira Rose lost all their money due to their business manager? The manager had embezzled them out of all their money.
- Did you know that white-collar crimes make up 4% of all incidents reported to the FBI?
- 35% of businesses in the US are affected by these crimes every year.
- 5000 arrests related to white-collar crime happen for every 100,000 people.
- White Collar crimes are non-violent crimes.
- Amongst the different types of crime, white-collar crimes are the closest to civil offenses.
- They affect businesses or other Financial Institutions. Moreover, White Collar is an umbrella term.
- It includes fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering.
- Additionally, it may include other forms of corruption and tax fraud.
- These types of crimes are carried out for financial gain and to maintain a “respectable position in society.”
- Since these crimes involve large amounts of money, they can lead to lengthy prison sentences. The person responsible may also have to pay financial damages and fines.
- Some White-Collar crimes get very severe. A person may even go bankrupt while paying their restitution and fee amount.
- In such cases, the government proceeds to confiscate their assets. It will liquidate them, and use the money to pay the victim.
There is no better way to define fraud other than deception. Illegally deceiving someone for financial gain, thereby causing their financial loss, is known as fraud.
- Fraud can include misrepresenting facts. It can also mean hiding information or other manipulative action.
- Today, the United States witnesses various types of fraud daily. Wire fraud, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, healthcare fraud, the list is endless.
- If it is a severe case, prison time can last several decades.
- On the other hand, penalties can include fines, restitution money payment, probation, etc.
Embezzlement is a type of fraud. It is when a person interested in the responsibility of someone else’s money uses it or steals it for their own gain.
- It is a fancier version of theft.
- However, it is different because the person committing the crime was interested in managing matters.
- To add to the list, Corporate embezzlement is very common in the United States.
- However, other forms are not too popular.
- For instance, let’s say that your lawyer has been charging you sums of money. But it is client embezzlement if they are not doing their duty.
Insider Trading
This happens when a person illegally buys, sells, or deals in a company’s securities.
- Simply put, it is when an employee of an organization discloses the company’s trade secrets outside it.
- In the corporate world, competing companies often pay insiders for secret information.
- We call it corporate espionage. It includes corporate insiders giving out confidential information.
- The information may be about upcoming mergers or other significant matters.
Please note that insider trading or corporate espionage is taken very seriously. It can lead to serious criminal charges, fines, lawsuits, reputation damage, and even trade license disqualification.
The United States Security and Exchange Commission and the DOJ of the United States handle these violations.
Money Laundering
Money laundering is a crime. It is when an entity tries to pass “black money” as “white money.” We see big corporations waive off allegations of illegally acquired capital by donating money to charity.
- They also try to secretly send money to an Offshore bank account to avoid suspicions from the US government.
- Tycoons try to hide their illegal money through real estate purchases and other Investments.
- Additionally, the United States government does not take these accusations lightly.
- There is a separate Department to handle money laundering charges. In the US, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network isresponsible for it.
- Apart from this, the Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service also look into these matters.
If one establishes criminal charges against the person, they can face imprisonment. Moreover, they can have fines and civil penalties. Restitution payments and forfeiture of assets are other forms of penalties.
Identity Theft
A discussion on the types of crimes would be complete with this category. How often have we asked a friend to report a fake account that has posted our pictures and pretended to be us? That is identity theft.
- However, there are way more severe versions of it.
- There can be financial identity theft when someone steals your credit card and uses it to buy some stuff.
- Or, they may be using your insurance information for their medical charges. Well, all of that amounts to criminal identity fraud.
Penalties for this crime can include imprisonment, fines, restitution payment to the victim, or all of the above. If you are a victim of identity theft, you can file a report with the nearest police station. You can even complain to the Federal Trade Commission.
Drug Crimes
According to the reports made by the FBI, 1,155,610 arrests resulted from drug law violations in 2020.
- 86.7% of the arrests were due to charges of possession.
- 13.3% of these were related to the charges regarding the sale and manufacture of drugs.
- The Bureau of Justice Statistics is responsible for looking into drug-related crimes.
- Overall, 41% of all violent crimes committed against college pupils in the US were under drug use between 1995 and 2000.
- According to the reports, 2 in 5 of all rape, sexual assaults, and robberies happen under the influence of drugs.
- In 2004, a survey found 32% of state prisoners and 26% of all federal offenses were related to drug crimes.
- Additionally, most property offenders admit to drug use at the time of the offense.
- 24% of all violent offenders reported drug use at the time of the crimes. 74% of state prisoners with mental health problems reported dependence and drug abuse.
Moreover, drug crimes are the types of crimes that can be related to the manufacture, production, distribution, and sale of drugs. They are also crimes that happen under the influence of drugs. A person convicted of these types of crimes will have a permanent record stating these charges.
Possession Of Drugs
It is punishable by law if the person carries the drug, has it in their belonging, or in their area of residence, even if they are not using it.
- We all know how Gigi Hadid was recently arrested for the possession of marijuana.
- Possession of drugs is such a serious allegation. Authorities can arrest you even if drugs are present in your vehicle.
Additionally, the following might result from it.
- You can get criminal charges, fines, probation.
- The government may put you into mandatory drug treatment programs.
- You can even get community service as a form of penalty for possession of drugs.
Distribution Of Drugs
The distribution of drugs is the act of selling, delivering, transferring, or exchanging illegal drugs to others.
- Distribution can happen in exchange for money or other valuable things.
– Suppose the authority finds you selling drugs to others on the street,
– dealing with the supply of drugs,
– shipping it to other places, selling it online,
– or establishing drug distribution networks online.
In that case, you can face criminal prosecution for drug distribution.
- Distribution of drugs to make money or to be a part of a large criminal network is a serious crime. Some drug addicts prefer to be in the distribution network to access drugs easily.
- However, penalties that one may face for drug distribution depend on the number of drugs and their past criminal history.
You might have to pay fines or restitution for distribution.
Drug Trafficking
Drug trafficking is the transportation and distribution of drugs. It can also include the importation or exportation of drugs happening illegally.
- It is a serious criminal offense involving multiple nations and administrative bodies.
- Additionally, drug trafficking is a type of organized crime.
It can be of various types.
- International drug trafficking.
- Domestic drug trafficking.
- Trafficking carried out by air.
- Maritime trafficking.
- Lastly, trafficking across borders through vehicles, tunnels, or other means.
Moreover, it can damage communities and cause instability. Therefore, the penalties for drug trafficking can vary depending on the type and amount of drugs.
- A person convicted of these charges can get prison sentences lasting 3 to 15 years or even more.
- They might have to pay a fine of $100,000 or more. Some countries even award the death penalty for drug-related charges (China, Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
- State and federal authorities investigate drug trafficking violations.
- These bodies are responsible for looking into drug-related charges. They include the following.
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Manufacturing Of Drugs
The illegal production, synthesis, creation, and cultivation of illegal drugs in the United States is a crime.
- We have seen various pop culture depictions of drug cultivation. People make-shift laboratories to create drugs.
- Many drug dealers illegally grow plants such as marijuana and poppy. They synthesise illegal drugs from them.
- Multiple underground illegal laboratories exist in the US where people create synthetic opioids.
- Manufacturing drugs is a serious crime. People with substance use disorder also get involved in the process.
- The penalties for drug manufacturing in the USA will again depend on the type and the amount of drugs.
However, a person convicted of this crime looks at 1 to 10 years in prison. They might also have to pay a fine of $ 50,000 or more. The court can order these other options.
- Community service probation.
- House arrest.
- Other forms of confinement for such individuals.
Cultivation Of Drugs
While the manufacture of drugs refers to the chemical manufacturing process of drugs.
- Drug cultivation is the growing of illegal drugs. People also cultivate plants to produce drugs.
- The cultivation of drugs is a criminal offense in the United States.
- As of 2023, there were various types of drug cultivation practiced in the US.
- Marijuana, opium, and plant cultivation for the production of cocaine are on the list.
- The motive behind drug cultivation is usually financial gain and personal use.
Under the federal law of the United States, the following rules apply.
- Cultivating upto 50 marijuana plants can lead to 5 years in prison.
- Moreover, the court may order $250,000 in fines.

Cybercrimes are the types of crimes where criminal and illegal deeds go on by digital or electronic means.
It can include computer networks, the internet, your phone, the atm at the bank, or any other technology. Additionally, criminals gain access to steal your information to commit fraud and illegal activities.
Types of cybercrimes can involve the following.
- Hacking.
- Phishing.
- Identity theft.
- Online fraud.
- Data breaches.
- Malware.
- Cyberbullying.
- Child exploitation.
- Lastly, cyber espionage.
Let us get a closer look into some of the most common cybercrimes.
Hacking is illegal access to your computer systems, network, software, or devices. Hackers access through manipulation or illegal means.
- Hackers are criminals who exploit your vulnerability online.
- Additionally, hackers access sensitive information to carry out their illegal activities.
- Cyber espionage happens when hackers spy on you stealthily. They want sensitive information, intellectual property, or trade secrets for financial gain.
- Passwords, credit card information, and such sensitive data can get stolen through keylogging, a type of hacking.
- Ransomware is another type of Hacking system.
- Here, the hacker sends encrypted files to the victim’s computer. Later they demand payment or steal information.
- Phishing attacks are widespread these days.
- Hackers send deceptive emails to users. They make ill use of confidential information such as financial details and passwords.
Hacking under US law is a white-collar crime. Section 1030 of 18 of the United States Code deals with hacking. Moreover, it prohibits damaging devices to traffic passwords.
Any violation of section 1030 can lead to a fine and 10 years of prison. Moreover, hacking of Federal information can lead to long prison sentences and hefty fines.
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act states the following.
- “Obtaining national security information through illegal computer access.
- Sharing or retaining it.
- Trespassing into a computer operated by the US government.
- Engaging in any sort of computer fraud or unauthorized access.
- Therefore, the act states that anyone who commits cyber fraud can face 10 to 20 years in prison.
- Suppose they get unauthorized access to a computer having national security information.
- The person can get imprisonment of up to 10 years for a computer used in interstate or foreign commerce.
- Moreover, they can face imprisonment of up to 1 year.
Lastly, for knowingly accessing a computer without authorization up to 5 years.
This type of crime happens with the use of internet and technology to harass or intimidate others.
It has the following characteristics.
- Persistency.
- Presence.
- Permanence.
- Lastly, it is often less visible to adults.
We see it as mean or unflattering comments, pictures, memes, or messages on social media platforms. Moreover, petty jokes asking One to kill themselves can qualify as cyberbullying. You can report it to the US Government website
Cyberbullying can lead to prison sentences or fines for adults, expulsions, and suspensions for minors. Over the years, the government of the United States has taken multiple initiatives. They address cyberbullying in educational institutions.
Final Word
In this article, we have discussed in detail all the major types of crimes currently prevalent in the United States. We hope you found it informative and helpful.
Criminal laws keep changing to keep up with the new types of crimes occurring daily. Our duty as responsible citizens of the United States is to keep us updated. We must know about our nation’s newest crimes and criminal laws.
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