Wrongful deaths can be caused by several reasons, including workplace hazards, misconduct of someone, medical malpractice, and vehicular accidents.
In such a case, a claimant who is a direct bloodline relative of the victim can file a suit for financial compensation through a Miami wrongful death lawyer.
Only an experienced lawyer can help the plaintiff receive maximum financial compensation by fighting the case in court citing various legal provisions and statutes.
Classification of Wrongful Death in Miami

1. Death Due to Medical Negligence
While it is fairly easy to get an Atlanta wrongful death attorney, things might be a bit different in Miami. To make things easier for you, here is a classification of a few wrongful deaths.
A lawyer expert in medico-legal affairs can prove with documentary evidence how the death took place due to a wrong diagnosis, surgical interference, or failure of a hospital to provide medical aid in time.
2. Workplace Accidents & Hazards
Employers in factories are exposed to certain hazards that can cause their death because of inhaling poisonous substances or factory accidents.
The lawyer has to legally establish that the death of an employee happened in the workplace due to the negligence of the employer.
The clause of exposure of workers to dangerous working conditions or without proper safety equipment helps the relatives of the deceased claim damage in financial terms.
3. Road Accidents
The wrongful death of drivers of a vehicle entitles the blood kin to lay a damage claim from the court.
A successful lawyer can establish that the death happened due to irresponsible driving by the other party who was driving under the influence of alcohol at the time of the collision, which leads to the death of the plaintiff’s loved one.
4. Death Caused by Use of Defective products
All industrial manufacturers of goods such as cars, all sorts of vehicles, power tools, and different other products have to guarantee the authenticity of such items without causing bodily harm.
If any death takes place by using such a product, the company is liable to pay financial compensation to the deceased person’s family.
5. Fatality Occurring Under Supervision
All members of dancing troupes, musical troupes, and athletic and sports teams are legally under the supervision of the management of such teams. When a death takes place, the team management is directly responsible.
A lawyer has to legally establish this fact to help the claimant get financial compensation.
The Selection Criteria of A Wrongful Death Attorney in Miami

- Previous track record of successfully fighting similar cases.
- Knowledge of all legal issues related to such cases.
- Capacity to interpret the law in individual cases like the death of a worker due to chemical exposure or an industrial accident happening in a factory.
- Thorough knowledge of the liability clause of an employer.
In Conclusion
In the case of wrongful deaths, only four categories of people can receive monetary compensation. They are the deceased’s parents, spouses, children, and blood kin.
Defendants can use various legal loopholes to avoid paying financial compensation to the victim’s family and pin the responsibility of the death on the dead person. Only an expert lawyer can help the deceased’s family get justice.
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